AI PPE Detection Solution For Workers' Safety

OpticVyu offers an AI PPE detection solution for construction workers' safety monitoring enabled with hard hat and vest detection.

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What is the AI PPE Detection Module?

OpticVyu AI PPE Detection module detects PPE & checks if a person is wearing a PPE (hard hat and vest) or not. The detected people will be categorized into four groups viz:

Protected Persons

Detects people and marks green those wearing a PPE hard hat and vest.

Person Without Helmet

Detects people and marks yellow those who are not wearing a PPE hard hat but wearing a vest.

Person Without Jacket

Detects people and marks orange those wearing a PPE hard hat but not wearing a vest.

Unprotected Persons

Detects people and marks red those who are not wearing a PPE hard hat and a vest.

OpticVyu Proprietary PTZ Image Processing Camera Solution

Image processing invariably depends on the size of objects captured in an image & its resolution. With any fixed-position camera, images can be captured at a predefined orientation & persons captured are either close or far away. Sometimes, the pixel size of a person seems very small, so image processing becomes almost impossible.

Problem statements:

What if the people are not captured in the defined image frame?
What if the detected people are not clear enough to be processed by the AI module?


OpticVyu's proprietary PTZ camera-based multi-positioned varying zoom capturing solution ensures image capturing in all possible directions with up to 45x zoom-in capabilities to yield the best results for image processing. Each site is divided into 25-50 presets (predefined viewing locations) to collect as many images as possible with utmost clarity. The camera rotates, zooms into different preset locations & captures images every 1hr & processes for PPE detection.

The requirement to Setup a PTZ-AI Camera:

We prefer to install the camera at the center of the site for maximum coverage with just one camera. The camera operates on an inbuilt SIM-based cellular network. External Wifi is not needed. A regular household power supply (230V-50Hz) is sufficient to run the camera.

Dashboard Features for AI PPE Detection

The AI PPE Detection solution dashboard is divided into two groups viz. a) Bar Chart, b) Line Chart

AI PPE Bar Charts The Bar Chart section has two visible charts showing the data for a selected weekly period. These charts are the Overall PPE Compliance Summary and Daily PPE Compliance Overview. Once the user clicks on the Daily PPE Compliance Overview chart, a new relative chart will appear on the screen (named PPE Compliance - Location Wise). Once the user clicks on any location on this chart, the respective images will appear at the bottom. Users can now visually check those images for PPE compliance.

AI PPE line charts The same AI-analyzed data is visible in the form of a line chart. Users can select between data types such as a protected person, Person Without Hat, Person Without Jacket, and Unprotected Person. Once the user clicks on any point on the chart, the respective image will appear with the AI-analyzed stats.
AI PPE Bar Charts
ai ppe detection module

Limitation & Working Range

Although the OpticVyu image processing module delivers one of the best outputs in the construction camera segment, some practical limitations restrict the solution from reporting 100% accuracy:

  • The pixel size of detected people should be more than 5% of the shorter image dimension. For example, if the image pixel size is 2560x1440, the smallest detectable person size should be at least 1440x0.05 = 72 pixels.
  • For the same zoom level & frame orientation, a higher resolution camera produces better results.
  • A fixed-position camera produces the best results for the people captured within 15 meters.

AI PPE Detection - Sample Images

Ensure Worker's Safety with AI

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